is simply the most famous 3D Game of all. In December 1999,
the authors of Quake, ID Software, released the Quake Source
Code under GPL License.
Amiga port of Quake comes from the efforts of:
Frank Wille frank@phoenix.owl.de,
Steffen Haeuser MagicSN@Birdland.es.bawue.de,
Massimiliano Tretene glquake@.libero.it
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) was created by Martin McKenzie
Quake archives available from Aminet are provided with the GUI.
It is recommended to use this GUI, since you then do not need
to be concerned with setting stacksizes or typing long cryptic
command line parameters. Of course, you can switch the GUI to
"No Popup" if you do not want the GUI to display each time Quake
is started.
GUI supports having several Game-Icons; one for the Base-Game
and several of them for every Quake-Addon you play, so that
all Addons can have different configuration files.
GUI of Quake uses the following Tabs:
the GUI also supports several Tooltypes.
For further details, please refer to the comprehensive
documentation included with the archive.
Quake and the GUI can be downloaded from your local Aminet archive mirror site (search
for "quakewos"), or can also be obtained from Clickboom softwares
Nightlong game CD.